A Must Read Book On Cybersecurity!

Transforming the fight against cybersecurity threats!

Cybersecurity is a critical issue that affects all industries, not just large corporations and government entities. It is essential to recognize that every sector is vulnerable to cyber attacks. The key to mitigating these risks lies in our strategic thinking and proactive approach to countering negative events. ISBN 1646635884

“The Cybersecurity Mindset”  is for C-Suite Leadership, Technolgy Professionals, and other genre of citizens that want to stay ahead by:

What is “The Cybersecurity Mindset”

When security concerns surfaced 30 years ago, the technology landscape battled perimeter defense. Over time, cyber criminals became sophisticated and discovered tactics to use applications and end users to accelerate their tactics. To add, humans were challenged to address uncertainties and
become innovate at discovering where hackers operate. Thanks to “The Cybersecurity Mindset” humans are positioned to engage and defend vital information and drive digital safety. It’s your resource guide, playbook, and toolkit!

In today’s technology landscape, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated. It’s no longer just a single layer; it must be integrated into the core of business operations and users’ engagement. At every layer and depth there is a need to secure the most vital resources or become victimized. Just think about the attacks that often occur. Somewhere, somehow, and unknowingly someone provided the gateway for hackers to become successful- Don’t let this be you!

Why Dewayne Wrote "The Cybersecurity Mindset"

Your #1 Cybersecurity Knowledge Source!

DeWayne’s journey into writing “The Cybersecurity Mindset” involved careful research. He designed the book with 20 high-level chapters that follow a progressive thinking model. It guides readers from cultural building to understanding threat environments, risk behavioral approaches, and strategies to “Wear A Hacker’s Hat.” He exposes unknowns, useful insights, hidden tactics, and transformational tactics for cybersecurity.

How do You Repair Cybersecurity?

Dewayne often hears this question and responds, “Hackers and Risks” are active, and so should our mindset. The goal is to stay ahead and learn what mindset is required for cybersecurity. With many disconnections and thoughts concerning digital protection, adjusting security mindsets are essential, and its starts with raising awareness concerning cybersecurity.

Transforming the Fight Against Cybersecurity Threats!

Operating Cyber Readiness

Cybersecurity engagements reflect resilience, protecting enterprise assets, and lowering risks against the increasing sophistication of hacker threats. When integrated, enterprises, businesses, and public organizations can build roadmaps, remediate weaknesses, and discover security “blindspots.” The chapters within “The Cybersecurity Mindset” aligns with this concept.

Maturing Cybersecurity

Every genre of business and public agencies strives for maturity. The core requries practical and fundamental approches following a simple methodology:” increase protection and lower Risk,”As simple as it sounds,many have failed, The Cybersecurity Mindset” remediates the issue and illustrates various concepts and security approaches to mature security program.

Connecting Cybersecurity

Integrating “360-degree” of security visibility requires a defensive mindset and structured approach that blueprints cybersecurity requirements and protection standards. It’s somewhat similar to a puzzle – so can you piece it together? This is where “The Cybersecurity mindset” takes actions and transitions security into our social, technical and business enivronments.

From the Press

Cybersecurity Expert Releases New Book, Uncovering A Transformational Thinking Model & Modern Approach That Reduce Risks

Dewayne Hart addresses the constantly evolving tactics that increase risk and continually expose individuals and organizations to threats. Shedding light on how applications, systems, private and sensitive information becomes vulnerable is only a part of the puzzle. He addresses how threats and conflicts are escalating and why our mindset must be adapted- all of which drive organizations and end-users to think differently in the fight against cybersecurity threats.

Excerpts from the Cybersecurity Mindset

From the Author: Why Have A Cybersecurity Mindset

As a cybersecurity professional, I have first- hand experience concerning cybersecurity disconnections, challenges, and its blueprint. This book provides a common-sense approach toward the thinking process, mental involvement, and strategies to embrace cybersecurity. Whether your career path is directly or indirectly involved with technology, the Cybersecurity Mindset aligns with typical engagements you experience.

Integrating A Human Firewall Culture and Defensive Mindset Principles

For many years, the term human firewall has existed within the technology industry. It’s used throughout many services and engagement strategies where people think protection and act defensively. The methodology is more mental than physical—as humans utilize mental warfare over physical warfare to protect enterprises. A human firewall is not a complicated

Road Mapping Technology and Your Cybersecurity Mindset

A great example of cloud usage is during the Christmas holidays. Online retailers purchase cloud infrastructure services to operate their applications. Having these cloud services is to support the rapid sales and flux of data transactions. The CSP infrastructure houses the online retailer applications, which shifts the maintenance and operational cost to the CSP. After the Christmas period.

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